Slow and steady

If there is one thing that I have a problem with, it's letting go and not trying to fix everything at once. I have a difficult time not trying to "fix" something, even though that something may need to fix itself in its own time. It is unbearable to me to see a problem that I can't solve, and I usually try to power through it as fast as possible. The sooner the problem is corrected, the less anxious I feel.

However, as I am learning, not all problems can be solved over a few days. They still take work. They still take determination and persistence. However, they also take time. Time to heal, time to grieve, and time to calm.

This is kind of what brought me here; my impatience with disorder.

I want to go to my wife and tell her that everything is okay, that we will be fine, and that we will work through this, but in my heart I know that she has her own uneasiness to deal with. She has her own cross to bare, and try as I might to help I have to let her bare it. All I can do is give her a sounding board when she is comfortable to talk about it. All I can do is let her know that I love her with all my heart. However, in the end I need to let her take her time in all of this.

It's too much for me to bare at times, but I have to to do it for her because it is what she needs. Because it is how she deals with problems. Because I love her.

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