She Does Love Me

I just have to let her. I need to remember that I need her to come to me.

I took my ring off. It was a big deal for me. My ring is the one thing that I do not wish to part with, but I felt that I needed to take it off. It was like I ripped a major part of myself off. I felt good for a little while, but now I am starting to miss it. I will more than likely put it back on when I get home today. In fact, I am planning on it. I meant to do it this morning, but I felt that I needed one more day to let go.

I've really needed to let go, and it's hard. Much harder than I thought it would be. I don't think she'll ever understand. To hear, these types of events are just "forget 'em and move on". For me, they are more. It almost destroyed my family. It's just simply going to be a long time when I can go a whole day without crying.

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